Boy in Gray Jacket Reading Book

How to start a Children’s website? Website Ideas for you

I have seen that many people, both online as well as offline, ask their friends and other people to suggest a good name for their newborn child. They discuss it amongst themselves create a shortlist and then eventually decide on the most suitable name.

Thinking about this I gave it a thought and then did some online research to find a complete children’s portal. But sadly wasn’t able to find any good resources. Either there were websites related to hospitals etc or baby names. But did not find any website which had it all.

So how to start a children’s website? Let us see.

So this is how I came up with this Website Idea. How about a Full-Fledged Website/Portal which is related to Children only? Names, health, books, and so on.

Let me show you how you can build a great website for Children and then earn from it. After all, we all need money, right?

If you are reading this then it’s evident that you are interested in creating a Children’s Website. Read on…

How to select the perfect Software/CMS for this kind of website?

Well, if you have read my earlier articles then you must be aware of it. Anyways. There are so many CMSs available today with features on par with any other. Some are easy to work and some a quite complex but provide a robust set of functionality. My choice of CMS is WordPress. It is easy to set up and easy to work on.

Let’s consider WordPress itself in this post. Though you may choose other CMS too like Joomla and Drupal.

Things To Do

  1. First of all, think of everything that you want to include on your website. Don’t overdo it. Think of 2-3 things to start the site with. I would suggest:- Baby Names, Health Tips, Discussion Forum, Dresses Ideas, Baby Nursery Ideas,  Nursery Rhymes, Video Gallery, and Online Shop. As required the categories can be increased.
  2. Think of a great catchy and short name that anyone can remember at all times. It will help you get more visitors no doubt about it. Book a domain at Name Cheap.
  3. Next comes Web Hosting. Most top-level web hosts are good but don’t forget to go through their respective packages and choose the one you find the most tempting.
  4. Since we have chosen WordPress as our go-through CMS then we need a good and lively theme for it. You can find plenty of free themes on the internet to start your website. But it’s always good to use a professional theme as it offers you customer support too. Take a look at the Envato Marketplace, they offer you a great collection of themes.
  5. Next comes the Plugins. Install as LESS as you can. Use only the ones which your website absolutely needs for its functioning.

How To Get It Done

After completing all the above points now let us see how to get it done. WordPress is an easy and robust CMS. You can create amazing websites using it. I’m sure you already know about this.

Baby Names – You can find hundreds and thousands of names online and offline too. You can use the Name Directory plugins to do the work on the website. Or you can also create different pages. From A to Z alphabets. But I would not suggest you do this. The best way to do this is to use a plugin.

Health Tips – People have become more health-conscious these days. And they take it very seriously. You can have a special category for this on your website. Write articles on various topics like household tips for a healthy baby, teething, anger management in children, how to get rid of rashes, and so on. These will surely help you in getting more visitors.

Dresses Idea – Today is the age of Readymade Garments. Frankly, except for girls and ladies who wear Salwar Kameez, I haven’t seen anyone visiting a tailor. The same thing applies to children. But people make dresses for their newborn babies and infants. You can have this category where you can put pictures of dresses and the procedure of how to make them at home. DIY is always popular.

Nursery Rhymes – Children love to hear, watch and recite nursery rhymes. Johnny Johnny or Twinkle Twinkle or any else, it will always bring smiles to the faces of children and adults alike. You can create posts with Written Poems and also Videos of the same. If you can create these videos yourself then there is nothing like that.

But if you can’t then you can use a wide range of poems available on YouTube. Don’t forget to write text on the video pages too as without that you might not get many visitors. The text is much required.

Discussion Forum – DO NOT FORGET TO ADD THIS – I apologize for writing it in capitals, but this is of utmost importance. Get more visitors to come and discuss various topics. Once a user posts a query, he/she will surely come back to get the answers for the same. This helps in building a proper user base.

At first, not many people will come (that’s the truth) but once there are many posts and queries solved you will get more traffic for sure). Be active on the forums. Create topics. Ask your friends who are parents to take part in the discussions. This will hugely help in creating a user base.

Online Shop – Earn extra money by selling articles related to Children and Small Babies. People love to buy colorful and unique stuff. You can create your own Dresses, Posters, Book Covers, Gifts Bags, Caps, Bedsheets, and more. You can also become an affiliate of Amazon etc and sell their products too.

Since we are using WordPress so I would suggest using WooCommerce as it blends with the CMS. Or you can use a much more powerful professional alternative, Shopify.

You Have To Do More

Advertising a website is most important. What’s the use of a well-designed website with great content if there is nobody to visit it? Use Google Adwords and Facebook Ads to promote your website and reach targeted visitors.

Not to forget Word Of Mouth advertising. You can also print stickers and brochures and use them to advertise. Keep the site updated and fresh and gain more visitors every day.

You can also allow guest posting. This encourages people to visit and write for you. You can also offer them cash or goodies for writing for you. This helps a lot – trust me.

You can organize seminars, or even collaborate with Doctors and offer exclusive discount coupons and more. People will flock your way.

Use all the information above and I’m sure you will be running a successful Children’s Portal in no time. But remember… Patience is a Virtue. Wish you all the very best.

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