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Why should you choose WordPress for your blog or website

There are hundreds and thousands of websites today and most of these websites are built upon this powerful CMS called WordPress. But why is the reason for picking this up when there are so many choices available like Joomla, Drupal, and others?

Let’s discuss it a little more. I promise that it will be short, simple, and to the point (i also don’t like big essays about topics that require a few paragraphs only). Ok so now without wasting any time let me tell you why you should choose WordPress for your website.

WordPress is Easy

Yes, it is easy. If you are coming from some other CMS, for example, Joolma, then at first you might feel a bit different here. And this is obvious because you have been using the other CMS for a long now and got used to it. It is just like when you jump ships from iPhone to an Android phone and don’t get used to it right away. It takes a little time to adjust.

You just need an hour or less to understand the basic functioning of WordPress as it is that straightforward simple and start working on creating great posts for your website. As you guessed this right, this website too is made with WordPress.

WordPress is Scalable

WordPress is one such CMS that is simple to set up and easy to use. It’s quite powerful and extremely complex websites can be built upon its framework. Your website can be a blog, a social network, multiple author blogs, a company/corporate website, school alumni, and much more. You can build forums, photo galleries, and whatnot with it.

Thousands of free plugins and themes are available for it. Additionally, you can also buy plugins to add special functionalities and also buy extremely amazing site templates known as WordPress Themes. Envato is one such shop where you can find great plugins and themes all in one place. You must definitely check this out.

Security and Updates

For any website, one of the major things to be considered is the updates to the core software. WordPress is being updated on a regular basis and any bugs or issues found are carefully and effectively removed from time to time. Not only this, but the developer community of WordPress is also highly active. This is a win-win situation for all.

Updates also ensure the security of your website. But that does not mean that installing WordPress is a guarantee of a 100% secure website. You need to take care of other things too like a good web host, using genuine plugins and themes besides some more things. No website is 100% secure and you need to take care of it from time to time. For this WordPress gives you the ability to take regular backups of your database and files.

Database and Files Structure

WordPress websites have a clean yet complex database structure. But that does not mean that you can’t extend its functionality. You can do almost everything you need for a successful website. The files you upload (photos, music, videos, etc) are stored in a systematic way in folders based on your preferences like a year, month, day, and more.

You just have to choose once and then it will continue to work that way. Taking a backup of your WordPress website is also very easy. I can say that it is just next to a simple HTML website. Yes, you read that right. It doesn’t matter if your website is small or huge, backups can be taken very easily.

Website Migration and Backup

As I already told you that taking a backup of any WordPress website is very simple, and so is the migration process. You just have to learn it once and then you can migrate your website from one host to another in just a few clicks. All you have to do is take a backup of your site, move files, database, etc and follow some easy steps, and do the needful very quickly. Though how quickly it will depend on the size of your files and more.

So these are some of the few reasons that make WordPress the best CMS available today. Hundreds and thousands of websites, big and small, are being built upon it on a daily basis. WordPress makes everything so simple and is highly useful for every website owner. Our website is also using it. In fact, we have been using WordPress on all our websites for about 18-19 years now.

So go ahead and choose WordPress for your or your client’s website. You will love it.

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