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10 Business Ideas for Students to Make Money Online TODAY

Every person has a dream to start earning on their own as soon as possible. And if you are a student then you want it even more. Right? When we are studying in a school or college we always feel that we should get more pocket money. But generally, that doesn’t happen. So most of us try to earn money by doing some part-time jobs etc. But if I say that you can earn much more than that by starting your own small business then probably you won’t agree.

Let’s discuss some very interesting small businesses which can easily get you a good amount of money if you are really passionate about it. You may choose the one you like from the list of businesses I’ve listed below. And yes… if you are not a student then it doesn’t mean that you can’t start these businesses. In fact, anyone can do it… you, your mom, your girlfriend, your uncle, or anyone else.

Blogging – This is the easiest and one of the most interesting ways of working if you like being online. You can write about various topics of your interest and in the meantime learn new things every day.

Blogging is fun and is a very good way of understanding your own self. All you need to start your Blog today is a proper domain name and web hosting that is not costly. Check out Dream Host for this. Start writing and then apply for ads that will help you earn money.

Tuition – You have studied and you have the knowledge. Right? So why not start sharing your knowledge and start earning from it? You will not only earn money but also goodwill from other people. If you really like to teach then this is a great money-making option that comes with the added advantage of ‘Respect’

Video Blogging – Videos are the most effective way to reach people and leave a lasting impression on their minds. So many people are doing it every day and also earning a great deal of money doing so. Why not you? If you like to write blogs then you can try your hand at Video Blogging too. You can make text-photo slideshow videos online for free using inVideo.

YouTube is being used by almost everyone who is online and can make you a great amount of money. You can create videos on a vast range of topics like Food Recipes, Tips & Tricks, Holiday Ideas, Travel, Arts & crafts, and so on. Signup for an account, create your videos on the topics you like, upload, share, get visitors, and get the rewards. It’s not as difficult as you think it is.

Social Networks – Today Social Networks have become very popular and they influence people in extremes. You can create your own page on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and ask people to Like/Follow you. As you start getting more visitors and get likes/follows your page will become more popular.

Sharing interesting posts multiple times a day in order to get loyal followers. Companies and individuals like to advertise their products directly through social networks as advertising this way is more effective as a person views the ad, clicks on it, and instantly sent to their website or the product page. Earning through this medium is also very good.

Freelance Work – If you don’t want to do a job or looking for some extra work then you may join websites like,,, and more. Programming, Web Design, Photoshop, Flyer Design, and Advertising are some of the things you can do to earn money. Here you create your account and update your info about the work you can do, your expertise, and so on.

You can bid on various work requests by other people and if selected you earn by offering your services. This is really good and I too have done it multiple times.

E-Shop – Many people are doing this these days. You buy stock in bulk or get it made on your own and then sell it. This is basically what happens. But what if you don’t want to do this? You can build an e-shop model where you link to various products on other websites and earn a commission from every sale made. Sounds interesting right? For this, first of all, you need a website.

Woocommerce-based WordPress website is best for this purpose. It’s easy to work and handling it is awesome too. Get yourself hosting and domain from Name Cheap, install WordPress and Woocommerce, and fine-tune it according to your liking. Then signup as an affiliate for Amazon, Flipkart, or any other retailer offering affiliate services. Link their products on your website.

Advertise amongst your friends through WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. Link to interesting products that will tempt your visitors and hence they make a purchase.

Ebooks – Like Blogging and Tuition, ebooks are a great way of reaching more people. Write an ebook in the niche of your interest. You may choose to offer one of your ebooks as free so that people can know what and how well you write and make things simpler for them or sell it online. Kindle and Apple Books store offer you a wider audience for the same. You can also start your website for it too. You earn from every sale that your book makes.

eBay Shops – It is undoubtedly one of the easiest and most effective ways of reaching hundreds and thousands of customers all around the world. Sell interesting items that you feel people will love to buy or create your own stuff. Paintings, Embroidery, Mobile Phone Covers, and T-Shirts are some examples. It’s easy to list an item on eBay. Do try it for sure.

Affiliate Marketing – Just like point 6, but something more. The first step will require you to start your own blog. Signup with ClickBank or ShareASale and look for items you want to review or write about on your blog. Start writing and promoting.

Trust me when I say that people are earning an AMAZING amount of money doing this. So much variety and so many products/services to offer to your visitors. All for free.

Service Provider – If you can collaborate with people who can offer their services through you and give you a commission for every sale/service provided then you can make a good amount of money every month. Start with a website where you can list various services like Plumbers, Electricians, Beauticians, Dieticians, Gym Trainers, etc.

Each one has its own profile and contact form. When they provide services you get a cut/commission from it which is pre-agreed.

These are some of the most interesting ways to make money online and I insist that you try 2 at the very least from this list.

If you have any other easy Business tips or suggestions that any student can start then do write in the comments below.

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