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Is worth it? No it’s a SCAM

Every Blogger has a dream to start his own blog successfully, write great content, have loads of traffic to his website, people sharing and commenting on his blog posts, and eventually make a lot of cash by running ads and doing affiliate marketing. But… not every ad network is trustworthy. Is worth it? Why do I call it a scam? Read more.

I had worked with for a couple of years, but for the last 1 year approximately I have stopped working with them. Not because I didn’t want to but because they kicked me out of their network without any logical explanation.

I am not sure about their quality of ads as of today, but earlier they had a lot of issues. The most annoying was that their ads were not responsive. I am sure they must have fixed that.

I became a publisher with them and then added my main websites to my account. I implemented the ads on all the major areas of the website(s) and removed Google AdSense altogether as I’ve heard from some people that pays you much more than even AdSense.

Everything worked fine in the first few months and then I got an email informing me that the company has been acquired by some Chinese firm and this is when everything went downhill. The earnings dropped considerably and the quality of ads degraded too. Even if your site was getting a lot of traffic, the ad views, etc were shown incorrectly in the user panel on their website.

I was amazed to see all this happening but never actually bothered about it as I was confident enough that it is a big company and my money is safe with them. At that time my account balance was approx. 75$. That amount never increased, not even a bit. This is when I started to worry a little.

As the figure for 75$ was not moving upwards even after my websites were getting a good amount of traffic, and the ads were still very much present there, I decided to contact support. I got a response from them in which they wrote that I am not getting many views from tier 1 countries. I agree with that as my main website, then, was a non-English blog and my other websites were not that popular but were still getting approx 1000 views every single day.

I continued to get emails from them in which they wrote that I will earn an extra amount this month due to some ‘enhancements’ they have made to their network. That never happened. The figure still stood at 75$.

I actually waited for 3 months or so, thinking that there might be some issue and everything will be fine. But when even after that time nothing happened I decided to stop working with them.

Then one day I saw that the figure has DECREASED from 75$ to 54$ on its own. I got really angry with this and wrote an email to them but did not get any response. Maybe Gmail did not deliver the email to them :-/

I was aware that pays a publisher when he earns 100$ or more. Earlier I always used to get payments on time. But as I was not able to increase this amount (for reasons unknown to me) I requested their support to pay me the amount that I have earned to date as I don’t want to continue.

This is where played a game, sort of, with me. First, they decreased the account balance and then they sent me an email in which they wrote that my account has been suspended and all the money that I have earned will not be passed on to my PayPal account.

Accepting or rejecting a website into the network is the decision of the company and I am totally fine with that. If a publisher does some invalid activities, like clicking on ads, etc, then account suspension is understandable. But to suspend the account and take away all the money for no apparent reason? How can this be called genuine? Is there still a reason to ask… Is worth it?

I emailed them a couple of times regarding this issue, but never ever received any reply back from them.

I would never ever suggest to anyone, not even to the employers and employees of the company. I don’t want to say anything more about this company and the way they work.

Do not waste your time with and rather focus on other companies like Google AdSense or AdNow.

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