day in life 8

Birds fighting and me making failed DIY project

Cruel summers are upon us now. The sun shines way too much this year. It’s only 18 April 2023 today and the temperature is rising every day.

In this day in the life video (008) you will see me transferring/repotting some existing plants from ceramic pots to fairly cheap plastic pots (though i hate plastic items and pots too). Why i chose plastic posts this time? First, they were cheap. And second, I am planning to buy some larger ceramic pots and these plastic pots will be placed inside them.

I also went for some grocery shopping too. At the same time bought some dairy items.

Wheat is being harvested and it has caused a lot of dust all around my house. This makes me a little uneasy but it is okay.

In the morning i saw a few birds fighting. Two of them actually fell to the ground while doing so. Unfortunately, i wasn’t quick enough to capture their fall. Lol. Sorry!

I hope you like these day in the life vlog videos that I share with you. If you do then please do comment below and let me know about it. Your feedback is highly appreciated. What more would you like me to share here? Do let me know that too.

Thank you. Have a nice day/night.

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