Iphone Displaying Social Media Application

How to pick the best mobile apps for Bloggers?

Like you, I also write blog posts on my laptop or PC, but at times when my laptop is not with me and I want to start a new post, I simply have no other option than to ignore my ‘feelings’ to create new content.

Today, I did some research and since I was also looking for this, I decided to tell you too about the apps that every blogger should have on his Android or iPhone. These apps will help you get things done easily and efficiently.

Gone are the days when a PC/laptop was a must for content writers and bloggers. Now everyone can use a smart device like a phone or a tablet to do these things. Not only that, iPads, in particular, have been very popular lately with artists too.

I have seen many people taking their iPad with them everywhere so that they produce new content anytime and anywhere they are. Yes, they do require a keyboard case for sure as otherwise, it’s kind of inconvenient to work and type for an extended time period on a tablet.

But if you are in a situation where you don’t even have your tablet with you (or if you don’t have one) then you can use your smartphone for doing the same things that you would normally do with a larger device like a tablet.

Must-Have Smartphone Apps for Bloggers

Okay, so here are the apps that I think every blogger should have. Please note that all these apps are available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store too.


The first and foremost app that you must have on your phone or tablet is the official app of WordPress. You can log in to all your websites/blogs at the same time and can switch to any blog and start working there.

Through the WordPress app, you will easily be able to post new content or edit old posts too. At the same time, you can respond to comments, do some basic blog settings, check your website visitor stats, upload photos and videos, and so much more.

WordPress app is very helpful especially when you are traveling as your phone is always with you and hence makes it easier for you to be with your blog/website at all times. The app works with both, blogs hosted at wordpress.com and your own self-hosted WordPress blog too.


If you write anything, anything at all then this app is a must for you. The good thing is that it is available on all platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. I simply love this app and have it installed on all my devices. Yes, it is that good.

Grammarly helps you easily improve any text and eliminate grammar errors. Their services include; Advanced Grammar Rules, Contextual Spell Checker, Vocabulary Enhancement, Plagiarism Checker, and Corrects Writing Mistakes.

Google Keep

I personally like Google Keep more than any other app with similar functionality, even though I use an iPhone. iOS has the Notes app that syncs the notes with iCloud and makes them available on all your connected Apple devices like iPhones and MacBooks.

As Google Keep is available on all platforms so it makes it much more convenient to sync your notes on all devices.

With Google Keep you can create notes with your ideas on the go and then you can use your notes to write blog posts on your phone or your computer too.

Yes, I know that there are more apps and services available like the very popular Evernote, but it is not 100% free and I feel for such a basic thing as note-taking you should not spend money.

Google Drive

Just like Google Keep is a free note-taking app, Google Drive is also a free place to store all your important files and easily sync your files from all your devices. This is very helpful when you need a file or a photograph urgently.

Simply install Google Drive on your laptop, iPhone, or any other smartphone or tablet and sign in with your Gmail account. And that’s all. Allow it to sync your files and store them in the cloud. You can choose which folders you want to upload. These files are only available to you unless you make them public.

Google Analytics

If you run a website or a blog then you might be well aware of this service by Google for sure. If not then let me tell you a little about it. Google Analytics helps you to know more about the people who visit your website. It shows you various types of data like real-time visitors, monthly page views, popular pages on your blog, the geographic location of the visitors, and so much more.


Every blogger and influencer needs this app for sure. Canva allows you to create eye-catching graphics for your blog posts and social sites like Instagram and Facebook.

Most of the features of Canva are free. I too use this app on a daily basis for all of my social accounts. It also helps you to create YouTube thumbnails. In short, if you want to design any type of graphic for the web then you need Canva.


This is an image editor. I am listing it here as I personally use it and like it a lot. It has a lot of features like editing photos, obviously, adding text, creating typography-style quotation posts, and more.

There are many other similar apps available too like Picsart, PS Express and more. You may choose any one of those as all of them have almost the same features give and take.


This is a BIG must-have app for everyone who blogs. You will find hundreds and thousands of ideas and topics for your blog posts. It won’t be wrong if I say that it is a goldmine.

Anything else?

Though you can install as many apps as you want, I think that the above-mentioned apps are more than enough to keep your blogging life alive on the go.

Other than these apps some highly recommended apps are:-

  1. Pocket – Find any inspiration or some topic that you like and want to write about. Store it here to open it later. Very handy to collect inspiration in a systematic way.
  2. Flipboard – A flip magazine for your phone. You get to read a lot of stuff from various sources.
  3. Buzzfeed – Another very resourceful website/app to get new ideas for your blog posts.

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