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What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

WordPress has almost subverted the industry of building websites so that people without a code base can also build their own websites.

Whether you create a personal website (blog, community), or a business/brand website, it doesn’t matter. If new to WordPress, you may not know that WordPress is actually divided into .com and .org, and they are both called WordPress. What is the difference between WordPress.com & WordPress.org?

Note: Please be aware that I personally recommend you use self-hosted WordPress instead of using either of these services. Get a domain, buy hosting, install WordPress and you are good to go.

What is the relationship between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

Since they have the same name, but different suffixes, many people get confused.

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

WordPress.org is a non-profit open-source program, anyone can download it for free. You just need to buy a domain name and hosting space to use it to start a website, because it is an open-source program, the scalability is very strong; any type of website can be built with it.

WordPress.com is a for-profit enterprise owned by Automattic and uses the open-source program of WordPress.org. It does not require the purchase of domain names and hosting space to create blogs for free. In addition to the free service, it also includes a paid service. Due to the third-party hosting, the scalability is poor, and the number of people who use it is very small.

Why are they all called WordPress? Since Matt Mullenweg, the founder of Automattic, is one of the two founders of WordPress.org and the CEO of WordPress.com, his company can also be called WordPress.

The main difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

Here are the main differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org summarized in points:


  1. Hosted solution: WordPress.com hosts your website for you.
  2. Simplified setup: The setup process is straightforward and user-friendly.
  3. Limited customization: Free plan users have limited control over themes and plugins.
  4. Limited monetization options: Free plan users may have ads displayed on their site.
  5. Maintenance and security: WordPress.com handles maintenance and security tasks for you.
  6. Paid plans: Various paid plans are available with additional features and customizations.


  1. Self-hosted solution: You need to find a hosting provider and install WordPress on your own server.
  2. Complete control: You have full control over your website’s design, functionality, and customization.
  3. Extensive customization options: You can use any themes and plugins, including custom ones.
  4. Monetization freedom: You have the flexibility to monetize your website in any way you choose.
  5. Maintenance and security responsibility: You are responsible for managing maintenance and security tasks.
  6. Open-source and free: WordPress.org software is free to use and can be modified to suit your needs.

These points outline the fundamental distinctions between the two versions of WordPress, helping you understand the key differences in hosting, control, customization, and responsibility.

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